6 Guidelines For Business Transformation

6 Guidelines For Business Transformation

We are on a mission… a mission to create the most productive brokerage network in the world. That requires transformation… I was thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if it was as easy as the type of transformation Clark Kent goes through when he becomes Superman, or when Diana became Wonder Woman?

Here’s what I know, to achieve all of our dreams some type of transformation is required. And unless you are blessed with superpowers, transformations don’t happen in isolation. If you’re stuck, get in a small group. If you’re on track get in a small group. If you’re crushing it I suspect you’re already in a small group. None of us will transform without the power of being in a like-minded mastermind group where you can share, discuss, challenge and get some accountability.

Consider starting or joining a group this week. Don’t know what to discuss? Consider these possible themes:

Possible Topics:

6 guidelines for business transformation. 1. Let the consumer drive your direction; 2. Decide what type of transformation you need; 3. How to involve your team, vendors and support network; 4. How to say NO to the comfort zone; 5. Being open, listen to others and be prepared to change as conditions dictate and 6. Best practices to never stop… never stop with a continuous improvement mindset (make it better, make it better, always make it better).

Possible Topic:

The JPAR quarterly review or business planning templates and how you plan to close the year strong, fully prepared for 2019.

Possible Topic About Marketing:

As you think about closing the year strong and starting the year fast I’d ask you to consider content-based marketing.

Content-based marketing is about marketing your real estate services based on the consumers intent to engage.

Marketing to the consumer’s intent is expected to produce a better ROI over more traditional methods, mostly due to specific targeting and higher quality responses.

One idea you could execute would be white papers that you hire out Fiverr or write yourself along with an associated “push and target” distribution campaign to drive leads. Examples:

4 reasons to sell and buy in Flower Mound

6 ways to increase the value of your home in Frisco

7 things I bet your real estate agent never taught you about Austin real estate market

Many social media companies allow you to target a likely seller or buyer by way of geographic area (ex. 10 mile radius from a property), age (ex. 35-50), income (ex. at least $50,000 and less than $80,000), and even credit score (cool, right?). And others like SmartZip offer predictive intent based tools for the modern real estate agent.

So there you have it – at least 3 major topics to get started on in your small group. When will you begin?

Episode 28: Success From Scratch

Episode 28: Success From Scratch

Gabe Abshire, CEO of Utility Concierge is our guest this week on success from scratch. Gabe shares his “EOS,” the entrepreneurial operating system where the concept is based on each successful business having a visionary and an implementer. Or in real estate, a team leader and an operator. Gabe shares his secrets for success and how those can apply to your real estate practice. He also shares the value proposition of Utility Concierge and how that can add value to you and your clients.


“We want to make it simple. We provide a one-stop shop for your clients’ utilities needs to make the moving experience smoother.”
– Gabe Abshire,  CEO of Utility Concierge

Need a coach that can help you build your EOS? Get free consult at www.travisrobertson.com/jpar

Would You Choose Unpleasant Truths or Comforting Lies?

Would You Choose Unpleasant Truths or Comforting Lies?

Every picture tells a story, and that’s true of today’s blog post photo. Take a look… that image just may have hit home for you as it did for me.

I have few regrets… yet recently I happened to be in a business meeting where we moved the chess prices around the board yet did not address the true underlying issue. Instead, I chose the path of least resistance… the path of comfort instead of the harder truth. Conflict was avoided yet so was the real growth opportunity. Can you relate to a similar situation in your business or life?

While comforting lies can be, well, comforting, they won’t help us get through a challenging situation in a way that serves our mutual best interests. Comforting lies won’t help you grow. So, if your desire is to be the best version of you, switch the line you’re in. Move from the easy line of comfort to the more challenging line. The unpleasant truth will equip you with the feedback to make the best next step. The next best course of action given your circumstances, desires, and dreams.

As a mentor, coach and consultant here’s what I know: “a coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.  Let’s be that person this week for all the people we influence.


Episode 26: Success From Scratch

Episode 26: Success From Scratch

Jason Todd, says helping veterans is one of the most rewarding parts of his real estate practice.  He started his real estate practice after 15 years in retail management where he was working 80 hours weeks – including weekends and holidays. Today he has a great work, life balance and runs a successful team that is exceeding expectations on a daily basis.
Watch today’s episode to learn more about Todd’s fundamentals of success.
“Everybody needs to have a reason ‘Why’ they do it.”
– Jason Todd, JP and Associates REALTORS®
The Silent Dream Killer

The Silent Dream Killer

Last Friday’s Success Hot Line –  973.743.4690 – reminded me of what I already know:  the 5 words that kill more dreams, more potential and more happiness than any other 5 words spoken: “I don’t feel like it.”

I’m not sure of your dream, yet I suspect for many of you it’s more financial freedom, better health, stronger relationships and more connectedness with your community. Yet let’s face it, so many times when you are about to start something toward those dreams the onslaught of excuses flood your mind like water gushing out of a broken pipe. The theme of these excuses always traces back to the same root… “I don’t feel like it.”

How many times have you said, “I don’t feel like it?”  How many times have you listened to that thought, allowing it to alter the course of your actions? What if you could make a different choice?

Here is what I know, “I don’t feel like it” is the universal human condition that silently kills dreams. Yet you and I don’t have to accept this dream killer. We can all overcome the feeling and move powerfully towards our goals and dreams. It starts with intention… the intention to live on your terms not the terms of your moods and feelings.

Next time you say to yourself “I don’t feel like it,” consider this 4-step guide to snap out of that feeling and make a choice for action.

Step 1: Put Your Body In Motion  

Emotion is created by motion. In other words, emotions are linked to movement in our bodies. Think about it… observe your posture when you are slouching, or happy, as opposed to when you are sad. Or what you look like when you are angry, versus when you are elated. Our mothers were correct, proper posture means more than just looking good.

Try this little experiment, right now: stand up smile and raise your hands above your head and say, “yes, yes, yes!” Did your mood change? When you are low on energy, I’ve found movement, any type of movement… getting the body in motion helps. Walk around your office building, if you’re sitting stand up, rub your hands together rapidly. Movement and breathing can change your energy level quickly.

Step 2: Hydrate More

Dehydration is one of the most common preventable medical conditions in the world, and yet it affects millions. For something so common, most of us are unaware of its dangers.

CBS reports nearly 75% of us simply don’t drink enough water. 10 cups per day is prescribed by the institute of medicine. When you function daily in a chronic and persistent state of dehydration you lose focus, you lose energy, you lose your attention span and you increase irritability quotient. Simply drink more water.

Step 3: Accept Your Emotional Level Then Redirect

Whatever you are feeling, give yourself permission to feel that way. Instead of denying the reality of your feelings acknowledge them.  Consider sitting with them for a moment and then make an active decision to regroup. What’s that famous quote? “You can’t stop the birds from flying around your head, yet you can stop them from making a nest.”

Accept, reflect then redirect.

Step 4: Take Action Towards Your Intention

Instead of listening to “I don’t feel like it” now you are in a position to take a different action. To overcome your feelings and move towards your dreams.  In business and in life, you state your goals and plot your course for reaching them. However, there will be many days when you don’t feel like doing the work, yet go ahead and do it anyway … “feeling like it” is not a pre-requisite.

Final thought… who’s in charge, you or your feelings of “I don’t feel like it?”

#WinTheDay #RIPCDJ