Episode 40: Success From Scratch

Episode 40: Success From Scratch

Greg Cunningham, Dallas, TX is my special guest today on Success from Scratch. Greg shares how his life long dream of being a soldier – an Army Ranger – translates to being a high performing real estate professional. He shares how he had many tools to make the transition yet he was applying them in the wrong way. Through the help of a mentor, coach and friends he has learned to create and serve over 40 families with buying, selling or investing in real estate annually.

Greg also shares how he structures his time, delegates work flow and collaborates with his direct and extended team members. Learn more by watching NOW.

“I fanatically protect my time so I can focus on what I do best…lead generation.” ~ Greg Cunningham, JPAR Team Leader
Episode 38: Success From Scratch

Episode 38: Success From Scratch

This week Amy Minor from Austin, TX is my guest on Success From Scratch.

Minor just came back from France and is a self proclaimed Mindset, Personal Growth and Development junky. She grew up in Germany and was big into the theater before getting into Real Estate three years ago.

Watch today’s episode and learn more about making Success come from Scratch!


“I found women that were successful, or business owners, or CEOs and I was like, ‘well they’re going to have friends that are like them,’ so I was reaching out to friends of friends essentially and one of them was a real estate agent […] at the end she was like, oh you have to go into real estate, you would be amazing! […] I truly started from scratch.” – Amy Minor, JP and Associates REALTORS®
Resolutions Can Suck

Resolutions Can Suck

A few weeks from now, you might be asked, “So, how are those New Year’s resolutions working out for you? The dream is that our goals and resolutions lead us to a higher ground, to new horizons. They can give our eyes a focus, our mind an aim, and our strength a purpose. Without the positive pull forward of a goal, we could risk remaining forever stagnant, or even worse sucked into a backward spiral.

So why is it so hard to keep and reach some resolutions, some goals?

We have all felt the excitement that comes with setting a new goal, but then, as time progresses, excitement can morph into anxiety. This is because we are facing the reality that we are so far from our goal and have no framework or strategy of how to get there.

So how do you overcome life’s hurdles and personal mental roadblocks to reach your BIG goals?

Well, first, a blinding flash of the obvious: When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you: this means making sure that they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. Motivation is key to achieving goals. Set goals that relate to the high priorities in your life. If  the goal is truly not important to you and you can’t tie it back to why it’s meaningful, your chances of success diminish. Yet wait, there’s more:

The reality is, there’s a SCIENCE to goal setting

In over 650 studies completed with over 50,000 participants, scientists analyzed what worked best when goal setting. Overall, individuals who focused on Process Goals had more success in reaching their goals than those who simply set Performance or Outcome Goals.

So, what is the difference between an outcome goal, a performance goal, and a process goal?

An outcome goal is one that isn’t really under your control. Instead, it’s based on outside circumstances. For example, if your goal is to the #1 selling agent in your market, that’s a goal that’s not only based on your numbers but also the numbers from other agents in your market too.

Performance goals are personal achievement goals. They are the building blocks that help you reach your outcome goal. A good performance goal example is to “beat my personal record of 21 homes sold in a year.

Process goals are completely under your control and are composed of the things you do on a daily basis like habits and routines. Think of these as the small steps you take to get to your performance and outcome goals every single day. An example of a process goal would be to “spend 60 minutes prospecting daily” or “40 minutes of cardio work.”

So, there you have it, the science behind more effective goal setting. Create a goal that is important to you and one you can be reminded frequently as to why you are pursuing it. Then, break those outcome goals down to the daily activities, the daily processes. Now your likelihood of achievement is dramatically improved.

Interested in coaching? See if it’s right for you: www.jparcoaching.com


Episode 32: Success From Scratch

Episode 32: Success From Scratch

Today my special guest is Rachel Hoffman from our JPAR Austin market. Rachel operates from a GROWTH mindset and is actually excited about a slight shift in the market which has created more opportunities and options for her buyers.
Rachel moved out of retail and into a real estate career she LOVES. She talks about how “freedom isn’t free” and the disciplines and systems she has in place to consistently helps 26 families buy, sell or invest in real estate each year.
“I want every client to FEEL like they are my ONLY client. I treat my clients as I want to be treated.”
– Rachel Hoffman, JP&Associates REALTORS, Austin, Texas.
Episode 26: Success From Scratch

Episode 26: Success From Scratch

Jason Todd, says helping veterans is one of the most rewarding parts of his real estate practice.  He started his real estate practice after 15 years in retail management where he was working 80 hours weeks – including weekends and holidays. Today he has a great work, life balance and runs a successful team that is exceeding expectations on a daily basis.
Watch today’s episode to learn more about Todd’s fundamentals of success.
“Everybody needs to have a reason ‘Why’ they do it.”
– Jason Todd, JP and Associates REALTORS®